Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Bwah-HAH! I got your ass!

I've been saying for years that, for all of George Lucas' protestations to the contrary, that a DVD release of the theatrical cuts of the original Star Wars trilogy will probably come in 2007. That year will be the 30th anniversary of the first movie's release and provides a perfect opportunity for a "because you demanded it..." non-apology.

Yesterday Van Ling, producer of the newly-released DVD set, did a chat on, and lo, there came a hint:

I don't believe there will be another release of the Star Wars Classic Trilogy for several years, until probably 2007, which is the 30th anniversary. So this is money well spent now.

I'm just sayin', here, is all. I'm also going to guess that the 2007 release will feature BOTH versions of the films to avoid the embarassment of the theatrical cuts outselling the special editions. (Though I must ask: Does anyone really care about the changes to Jedi?)

Thanks to De Baisch's Retroactive Continuity for the link to the chat.

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