Tuesday, May 18, 2004

This is a pretty hysterical take on the problem with the Kerry-McCain fantasy:

    Hey, I’m all for injecting some life into Kerry’s candidacy. As it stands now I think their campaign slogan is: “John Kerry: Well ...oh, alright.” But if George Bush has taught us anything about campaigning it’s that it’s a lot easier to beat low expectations. As long as George Bush doesn’t drool on himself during a debate, he wins.

    All this McCain talk sets too high a standard for a running mate. If I were the Kerry people I’d be out floating names like The Rock or Gary Condit. Then when you pick Evan Bayh Americans will be saying, “Oh, thank Christ it’s Evan Bayh!” and not “Who’s Evan Bayh?” and “How much time did he spend in the Hanoi Hilton?” In that sense I think it was wise for Kerry to steer the conversation to McCain for Secretary of Defense, which is an infinitely greater possibility. But how long did that last? A day?

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