Thursday, August 12, 2004

The Joe Schmo 2 blog has been updated with an early post on the finale, with a more detailed one promised for later. The finale was entertaining, and the reveal was really well done (I'm being deliberately vague in case anyone hasn't seen it yet), but it also reminded me how different in tone this season was without a schmoe of Matt Kennedy Gould's caliber; by the end of the first Joe Schmo, I was really rooting for him; this time around, Tim came off as something of a tool (albeit a harmless one), and Amanda was just kind of boring and nice and tediously quirky (She Who Must Be Obeyed described her as "a drip"). The best thing about this season was flipping Ingrid from schmo to actress; I found Ingrid marvelously entertaining simply because she's such a standard Washington, D.C. type: The pretty smart driven career girl who's convinced she's twice as smart as 1) she is and 2) everyone around her and whose casual wardrobe is a cacophony of mixed intentions.

Still, this season had its high points, including Bryce, Gerald, and Porked'N'Beans, and Montecore, and it certainly brightened up the dismal wasteland of summer TV. Maybe we'll see a Joe Schmo 3 someday...

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