Wednesday, August 18, 2004

You know the comics gods are having a big laugh when the East Coast HBO feed is showing the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie and the West Coast HBO is running Steel at the same time. I guess Showtime has dibs on Batman and Robin this month or that would have been on at the same time, too...

Anyway, about the only decent thing to come from watching this tremendous turd of a movie was that She Who Must Be Obeyed and I figured out that Richard Roxburgh, who plays "M" in this and was "The Duke" in Moulin Rouge is the same guy who played Dracula in Van Helsing. It's remarkable how much difference a mustache can make on some faces. Other than that decidedly meta-filmic benefit, though, this movie sucked like a great big sucking thing that sucks. Every clever or subtle bit of characterization or business or literary reference was removed and replaced with crap, bad SFX, or ham-handed reworkings of stuff that didn't need to be reworked in the first place. Feh.

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