Monday, June 21, 2004

Lileks climbs on Gnat's hobby horse and puts on his asshat hat:
    I ask my Democrat friends what they’d rather see happen – Bush reelected and bin Laden caught, or Bush defeated and bin Laden still in the wind. They’re all honest: they’d rather see Bush defeated. (They’re quick to insist that they’d want Kerry to get bin Laden ASAP. Although the details are sketchy.)

Uh-huh. Sure. All of your honest anonymous Democrat friends say this. Leaving aside the questionable provenance of this blistering insight into the hearts and minds of the honest nameless ones, maybe they just figure, fuck, Bush hasn't been able to catch him for almost three years and doesn't seem to be in any hurry to; what could be the harm in waiting another couple months? And I notice that Lileks doesn't say what he'd rather see happen -- Kerry elected and bin Laden caught, or Kerry defeated and bin Laden still in the wind.

I seem to remember from some philosophy class that there's a formal name for the logical fallacy of linking two possibilities that have nothing intrinsically to do with each other. What was the name? Oh, right: Stupid.

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